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large lizard
lagarto grande
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large adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
grande; amplio, extenso

Example sentences of
large adjective

  • He is drinking a large glass of water.
  • It's the largest city in the state.
  • These T-shirts are available in three sizes: small, medium, and large.
  • Which city has the largest population?
  • Her policies are supported by a large part of the population.
  • A large number of workers have filed complaints.
  • He has a very large appetite.

Synonyms of
large adjective

¿Large en inglés significa lo mismo que largo en español?
  • No confundir large en inglés con largo en español. En inglés, el adjetivo large es sinónimo con big y significa algo de gran tamaño. Por ejemplo: They have a large house.
    Para decir largo se usa el adjetivo inglés long.

lizard noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
The Mexican alligator lizard lives in the highlands of Mexico.